

Reduce the Risk of Zoonotic Diseases

Tips to reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases in Australian small animal practices.

Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Dr Angela Willemsen, BN, BVSc, MHlthSc(HlthProm), PhD
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Mein Hund krampft - ist das ein Notfall?

Lernen Sie, mit Dr. Nadja Sigrist, epileptische Anfälle bei Hund und Katze zu erkennen, richtig zu reagieren und eine Triage durchzuführen.
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Slow and unsteady - Understanding bradyarrhythmias

In this presentation Andrew Fisher aims to give an overview of bradyarrhythmias for nurses who work in general practice. 
Duration: 0:33 h
Speaker: Andrew Fisher, BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Wer stört? Kommunikationsskills für TFAs am Empfang

Kommunikationsskills für TFAs am Empfang.
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Katharina Wanha
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Anaesthesia for Broken Hearts 

Heart disease is a common comorbidity in our veterinary patients... but this catchall term includes a wide range of diseases, from valvular disorders to outflow obstructions to classic congestive heart failure. 
Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Rhonda Ponder
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Vergiftung! Ist das ein Notfall?

Wann ist eine Toxinaufnahme ein Notfall und wann nicht? Welche Symptome können gesehen werden? Dieses Webinar gibt Antworten! 
Duration: 1:17 h
Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Different Analgesic Techniques in Small Animals for ECC nurses

Pain scoring patients in the ECC department to ensure they have the correct levels of analgesia being delivered. 

Duration: 0:54 h
Speaker: Anita Parkin
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Alarm im Darm bei der Katze

Katzen sind keine kleinen Hunde. In diesem Webinar lernen wir alles Wissenswerte für die tägliche Praxis, was das Thema Durchfall bei jungen und alten Katzen angeht!

Duration: 1:13 h
Speaker: Elisabeth Baszler
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Anaesthesia in Exotics for Nurses

A guide to approaching anaesthesia in exotics 
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Rena MacFarlane, BSc BVMS (Hons) DVM MANCVS
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Der infektiöse Patient auf der Station - Was gibt es zu beachten?

Infektiöse Patienten stellen eine Herausforderung bei der stationären Unterbringung dar.
Duration: 1:26 h
Speaker: Dorothee Dahlem
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Postoperative Rehabilitation following Cruciate Surgery for Nurses 

Post operative rehabilitation following cruciate surgery...
Duration: 0:44 h
Speaker: Lindsey Connell, MCSP, Manim St (Animal Physiotherapy)
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Tierzahnheilkunde vom Empfang bis zur erfolgreichen Operation

Dieses Webinar soll einen Einblick rund um die Teamarbeit hinter erfolgreicher Tierzahnheilkunde geben.

Duration: 1:14 h
Speaker: Dr. Robert Marx
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Breathe in, Breathe out - Dealing with Respiratory Emergencies 

Dealing with a patient in respiratory distress can be stressful, for both them and us! However, nurses play a vital role in the stabilisation of, and care of, respiratory patients. In this webinar, participants will be guided through the main points to consider while triaging a dyspnoeic patient, including localisation of the respiratory distress, and what oxygen supplementation options are currently available. Some of the more common respiratory diseases will be discussed and finally, participants will be taken through a couple of specific case studies. 
Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Samara Blake
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Der atmet ja eh noch

Atmung ist nicht gleich Atmung - lasst uns schauen wie (gut) unser Patient atmet!

Duration: 1:26 h
Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Is it safe to wait? A practical approach to triage

It is essential that veterinary nurses are able to competently and confidently perform triage assessments on patients and ensure the most emergent are seen first.

Duration: 1:02 h
Speaker: Sara Ho-Le
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Arterial blood gas - Why, Where, How, & What does it tell you.

This webinar is all about arterial blood gasses: Where, how, and why to collect them, and what the results say about your patient's lung function.

Duration: 1:01 h
Speaker: Melissa Claus
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Glyc-What - Explaining the Fundamental Role of the Endothelial Glycocalyx

Revisiting a little bit of anatomy and physiology to gain an understanding in how this dynamic microstructure has become an important consideration when delivering IVFT to our patients. 
Duration: 0:45 h
Speaker: Jess Male, Cert IV TAE, RVN, AVN, DipVN (ECC), RN, BSc (Biological & Biomedical) 
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Anaphylaxis: Different Than Your Average Hives

Commonly we see veterinary patients present with urticaria and itchiness, but how often do they present in true anaphylaxis?

Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Amy Newfield
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Being on the Frontline: Communication Challenges Faced by Client Service Representatives and How We Can Support Them Better

The practice of veterinary medicine is heavily based in three relationships: 1) the veterinarian-client-patient relationship, 2) the relationship between clients and non-veterinarian members of the team, and 3) the relationship between team members...
Duration: 1:10 h
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Die böse Katze (gibt es nicht)

Aggression bei Katzen ist mehr als nur ein Ärgernis sondern kann ein Risiko für Praxisteam, den Besitzer und die Katze selbst sein.

Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Serina Filler
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)
Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Katrin Jahn
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Was hilft wirklich bei Geräuschangst? Neues aus der Wissenschaft

Therapie-Optionen bei Geräuschangst: Management, Training, alternative Produkte, Medikamente – ein evidenzbasierter Überblick.
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Stefanie Riemer
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Aktuelle Fütterungstrends bei Hund & Katze

Was ist denn nun das beste Futter? Insekten? Vegan? BARF? Kaltgepresst? Alles nur Hokuspokus oder ist da was Wahres dran und wenn ja, was genau und warum?
Duration: 1:15 h
Speaker: Stefanie Handl
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Feline Hyperthyroidism for Nurses

Feline Hyperthyroidism is a commonly seen disease in older cats in general practice. This webinar will discuss what Hyperthyroidism is and what clinical signs we might expect to see.

Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Skye Carr
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Präanalytik- einer der wichtigsten Schritte zum guten Laborbefund

Was muss bereits in der Präanalytik beachtet werden, welches Röhrchen wird benötigt? Wie werden Proben richtig verschickt? Diese und weitere wichtige Punkte um einen guten Laborbefund zu erhalten werden hier erklärt
Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Stefan Zabel
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Cockpit Anästhesie - wie bekomme und behalte ich eine sichere Fluglage

Meine kleine Anästhesie Checkliste - Entspannung vor und während der Narkose erreichen
Duration: 1:23 h
Speaker: Christoph Peterbauer
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Don't Worry, be Hoppy! - Nursing the Exotic Mammal Patient

This webinar will cover the basics of nursing rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs. This will include husbandry, diet, safe handling skills and tips for clinical examination and hospitalisation.

Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Joanne Sheen
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

When the Hypos make you Hyper - Hypoadrenocorticism for Nurses

Discussion of the clinical signs and emergency treatment of hypoadrenocorticism.
Duration: 0:55 h
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Optimize your Radiographs - Tips and Tricks for Nurses

Do you want to be able to enhance your skills in small animal radiography, and troubleshoot common mistakes and artefacts? 
Duration: 0:40 h
Speaker: Ashley Moors
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

The FLUTD Obstructed Patient - Ur-ine Trouble!

This webinar will take you through the emergency presentation and stabilisation for the FLUTD-Obstructed Feline aka the 'blocked cat'.
Duration: 0:50 h
Speaker: Laura Bennington
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Onkologie in der Kleintierpraxis - die Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen

Onkologie in der Kleintiermedizin: Diagnose, Behandlung und Betreuung von Patienten mit Tumorerkrankungen
Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Cynthia Besener
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Sedation and Anaesthesia of Rabbits for Veterinary Nurses 

How to provide the best nursing care for patients with cancer.
Duration: 1:02 h
Speaker: Dr Gerry Skinner BSc BVSc PhD MRCVS MANCVSc (emergency and critical care); Director, The Rabbit Drs
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Constant Rate Infusions - Calculations and Administration

In this webinar we will discuss the important delivery of medications via constant rate infusions.
Duration: 0:58 h
Speaker: Jo Hatcher
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Supportive Care for Cancer Patients for Nurses

How to provide the best nursing care for patients with cancer.
Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Penny Thomas
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Nützliches für den Umgang mit Hund und Katze rund um die OP

Nach Verletzungen und Operationen müssen die Patienten oft Ruhe halten und mit bisher ungewohnten Dingen wie Krägen und Verbänden zurecht kommen. Damit dies nicht zu einer Belastungsprobe von Tier und Halter wird, gibt es einige Dinge, die im Vorfeld beachtet werden können. Diese wollen wir heute näher beleuchten.
Duration: 1:21 h
Speaker: Felicitas Behr
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

A Guide to the Anaesthetic Machine and Tips for Manual Ventilation

A simple step by step guide to the anaesthetic machine, breathing systems and how and when to use them, along with helpful tips when performing manual ventilation in the ICU
Duration: 1:04 h
Speaker: Caroline Kaiser
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Top Five Ophthalmic Emergencies for Nurses

In this talk we shall provide practical tips for the emergency treatment of acute glaucoma, anterior lens luxation, corneal descemetocele, traumatic prolapse and acute blindnes.
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Ron Ofri
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Der heiße Draht zum Kunden

Gelungene Kommunikation am Telefon.

Duration: 1:01 h
Speaker: Katharina Wanha
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

How to get the most out of cytology samples for Nurses

How to get the most out of cytology samples - practical tips around sample collection and processing
Duration: 0:50 h
Speaker: Laureen Peters
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Erste Hilfe bei Wunden - Was Wundauflagen und Verbände alles können

Wie heilt eine Wunde eigentlich? Und was macht einen korrekten Verband aus? Hier lernst du alles Wichtige über Wunden bei Hund&Katze.
Duration: 0:55 h
Speaker: Lena Fritz
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

IMTP What Nurses Need to Know

Immune mediated thrombocytopenia and the many nursing considerations 
Duration: 1:05 h
Speaker: Kelly Druce
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

What Is That - Unravelling the Mysteries of Urine Sediment for Nurses

Preparation and microscopic evaluation of urine sediment
Duration: 0:42 h
Speaker: Natalie Courtman
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Pathology - Microscope Technique - Cell Morphology and Interpretation for Nurses

The correct use of the microscope is important to optimize microscopic visualisation of cytology specimens. Cell identification is useful in diagnosing and ruling out certain conditions, narrowing the list of differential diagnoses.
Duration: 0:53 h
Speaker: Astrid Oscos Snowball
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Physiotherapie bei Hund und Katze

Dieses Webinar vermittelt TierarztpraxisassistentInnen Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten der Tierphysiotherapie bei Hund und Katze und zeigt Techniken und Übungen zum Selbermachen auf.
Duration: 0:59 h
Speaker: Saphira Lustenberger
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Challenging Conversations with Clients for Nurses

There are some conversations with clients that can be potentially more difficult than others. We can't just avoid these conversations we do need to have them, but how can we make them easier? Understanding people's thought processes can be useful. How we approach a conversation can be very different especially if the owner holds a belief in doing something a certain way. This lecture will look at what we can say in these situations and how can we acknowledge these tricky situations.
Duration: 0:59 h
Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

In-house Blood Tests, Artefacts, and Interferences

This webinar will explore the condition IMHA, an immune mediated disease that presents relatively commonly in the canine species. Together we shall explore both the pathophysiology of immune disease and the clinical manifestation of anaemia. Patient presentation and diagnostic modalities will be discussed in relation to the condition, alongside important sampling considerations and challenges. Available treatments will be introduced and deliberated including the mainstay of immunosuppression therapy. The role of the RVN including specific nursing considerations will be discussed to enable the highest levels of patient care and owner support.
Duration: 1:00 h
Speaker: Brett Stone
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Anaesthesia Drugs - what to expect when they're on board

All anaesthesia drugs have varying physiological effects. By understanding where and how these anaesthesia drugs work, we can predict and troubleshoot their impact on the body.
Duration: 0:52 h
Speaker: Courtney Scales, Registered Veterinary Nurse
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)

Akuter Niereninsult bei Hund und Katze - was muss ich wissen?

Wenn jede Minute zählt! Was du als TPA über Leptospirose, Vergiftungen mit Frostschutzmittel und Dialyse bei Hund und Katze unbedingt wissen solltest.
Duration: 1:03 h
Speaker: Ariane Schweighauser
from 1 € 29,-
(incl. tax)