
  • Die intakte Hündin

    In diesem Webinar wird auf die Physiologie und Pathologie des Reproduktionszyklus der Hündin eingegangen. Es soll euch helfen unterscheiden zu können, was normal ist und wann Handlungsbedarf besteht. 
    Duration: 1:04 h
    Speaker: Sandra Goericke-Pesch
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Alt oder krank? - Altwerden ist keine Krankheit (1 von 6)

    Eine Einführung in die Thematik "Seniorentiere" für Tiermedizinische  Fachangestellte, Ordinationsassistent*innen und Praxisassistent*innen
    Duration: 1:00 h
    Speaker: Miriam Holbach
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Biologie der Vektoren und durch Vektoren übertragene Krankheiten bei Kleintier (und Mensch)

    Vektoren (Zecken, Stechmücken etc.) von Krankheiten bei Tier und Mensch sind bereits lange bekannt. Durch Globalisierung und Klimaerwärmung kann es zu einer Veränderung der Vektorenfauna bzw. der Erregerfauna kommen.
    Duration: 0:43 h
    Speaker: Georg Duscher
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Stressfreie Tierarztbesuche?! Mit ein wenig Planung und Training klappt's!

    Schon der Gedanke, mit dem Tier zum Tierarzt zu müssen, löst bei vielen Haltern nicht selten Stress und Sorgen aus. Wir schauen an, welche teils kleinen Maßnahmen mitunter große Wirkung auf das Verhalten der Tiere während des Praxisaufenthalts haben.
    Duration: 0:45 h
    Speaker: Celina del Amo
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Vorsorge ist besser als Nachsorge! – Der jährliche Seniorencheck (2 von 6)

    Vorsorge ist besser als Nachsorge. In diesem interaktiven Webinar werden Tipps und Tricks aufgezeigt, wie es uns im Wartezimmer gelingt Besitzer von Hunde-Opas & Katzen-Omas optimal zu beraten und versteckte Krankheiten zu erkennen.
    Duration: 1:23 h
    Speaker: Eva-Maria Grohsmann
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Nursing the emergency neonate/pediatric patient

    During the webinar we will look at what defines a neonate and pediatric patient, we will cover common emergency presentations for these groups and the nursing care required to treat them.
    Duration: 1:04 h
    Speaker: Kate Tinney RVN
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Nurse Consults - Making the Most of Nurse Skills in GP Practice

    Nurses have a vital role to play in the veterinary practice, in the advice of clients, diagnostics work and preventative healthcare. For a nurse with a keen interest in consulting this is an ideal opportunity in which they can pursue the specialism that interests them, whilst still being of use to the veterinary practice. Veterinary practices are businesses and nurses that consult need to perform sufficient work in order to not only make a profit but also over their costs and overheads. This isn’t necessarily through the charging for nurse clinics, but through products sold, increasing the footfall through the practice and helping with client loyalty and most importantly compliance.
    Duration: 0:54 h
    Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Body Fluid Analysis for the Veterinary Nurse

    In this webinar, the learner will gain a broad understanding of specimen collection, handling and analysis of commonly encountered body fluids including effusions, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid. This lecture will not cover urinalysis.
    Duration: 1:00 h
    Speaker: Anneka Pierzga
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Anaesthesia Mistake Awareness For Nurses

    The pressures facing anaesthetists today are great; the anaesthetist must fully understand physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, anaesthesia equipment, and monitoring devices as well as recognize their limitations. Although the goal is to assure a successful surgical or procedural outcome while ensuring the patient receives the finest possible anaesthetic care, mistakes can and do happen. During this session, you'll discover the most common causes of anaesthesia-related errors as well as insight on how to prevent them. Learning Objectives: Enhance awareness of the most common sources of anaesthesia mistakes, identify characteristics of a great anaesthetist, develop ways to avoid or minimize anaesthetic related errors, checklist use.
    Duration: 0:54 h
    Speaker: Heidi Reuss-Lamky
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Stress im Katzenhaushalt

    Inwieweit eine Katze mit einem stressauslösenden Ereignis umgehen kann und wieso manche Katzen ein Problemverhalten, wie Unsauberkeit oder beharrliches Lecken entwickelten, darauf wird in diesem Webinar eingegangen.
    Duration: 0:40 h
    Speaker: Franziska Kuhne
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Man ist so alt wie man sich fühlt – Optimale Betreuung chronisch kranker Patienten (3 von 6)

    Nur weil man alt ist, muss man sich nicht so fühlen. Das trifft auf Tier wie Mensch zu. In diesem Webinar wird auf die normalen Veränderungen im Alter eingegangen und wie sie im Alltag der Tierarztpraxis sichtbar werden und bedacht werden sollten.
    Duration: 1:01 h
    Speaker: Elena Russold
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Oldie but Goldie – Ein Senior kommt ins Haus (4 von 6)

    Es muss nicht immer ein Welpe sein. – Auch mit älteren Tieren kann man sehr viel Spaß haben! Alles, was es zu beachten gibt, wenn ein Senior ins Haus kommt und wie du als TFA die Besitzer bestmöglich beraten und vorbereiten kannst, besprechen und klären wir in diesem Webinar mit Judith Schönenstein, ihres Zeichens Tierärztin, Hundetrainerin und selbst großer Fan von vierbeinigen Oldies.
    Duration: 1:06 h
    Speaker: Judith Schönenstein
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • In Frieden gehen lassen - Die Begleitung auf dem letzten Weg (5 von 6)

    Die Begleitung von Patienten und Patientenbesitzern auf dem letzten Weg stellt hohe Ansprüche an das gesamte Praxisteam. Wie du dabei bestmöglich und kompetent unterstützen kannst, erfährst du in unserem 5. VetNurseXpertise-Webinar zum Thema Seniorentiere.
    Duration: 0:52 h
    Speaker: Svenja Holle
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Rentner auf 4 Hufen - Alte Pferde richtig füttern und bewegen (6 von 6)

    Mit steigendem Alter ändern sich die Bedürfnisse – und das ist natürlich auch bei unseren Pferden so. In diesem interaktiven Webinar mit Dr. Kai Kreling, Experte in Sachen Pferdegesundheit, geht es um die Fütterung und Bewegung unserer Pferdesenioren.
    Duration: 0:58 h
    Speaker: Kai Kreling
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Die Katze in der Tierarztpraxis

    Katzen sind keine kleinen Hunde. Sie sind nicht nur schnelle, sondern unter Umständen auch sehr wehrhafte Raubtiere mit einem kurzen Geduldsfaden.
    Duration: 1:08 h
    Speaker: Elisabeth Baszler
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Critical Care Nutrition for Nurses

    Proper nutrition in critical patients is crucial to faster, more complete recoveries and shorter hospital stays.
    Duration: 0:57 h
    Speaker: Kara M Burns, MS, MEd, LVT, VTS (Nutrition)
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Wound Management for Nurses

    Wound care management is an integral part of a veterinary nurses skill set. The ability to triage, initiate treatment and help with the resolution of wounds to patients will help the veterinary nurse to feel confident in the ER.
    Duration: 0:55 h
    Speaker: Chloe Fay
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Complications in Feline Anaesthesia for Nurses

    Our feline patients are at a high risk of anaesthesia-related morbidity and mortality compared to their canine counterparts. By understanding how to tailor the anaesthesia approach to them, we are able to reduce this risk.
    Duration: 0:56 h
    Speaker: Courtney Scales, Registered Veterinary Nurse
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Massage and Acupressure in Practice for Nurses

    Therapeutic massage aids rehabilitating an animal following cruciate, spinal, abdominal or any orthopaedic surgical procedure. It also teaches owners and their dogs to relax and be calm, which is important in any dog training. 
    Duration: 0:54 h
    Speaker: Elaine Cebuliak
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Veins for Vet Nurses

    This webinar will discuss the challenging ascpects of venous access and present suitble solutions for venous acces in your critically ill emergency patients.
    Duration: 1:05 h
    Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Triage im Wartezimmer - Wie organisiere ich meine Patienten?

    In diesem Webinar lernen wir zwischen stabilen und lebensbedrohlichen Notfällen zu unterscheiden indem die richtigen Fragen gestellt und die richtigen Parameter am Patienten angeschaut und beurteilt werden.
    Duration: 0:54 h
    Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Human medical toxicity for GP nurses

    This webinar discusses the most common toxicities in dogs and cats caused by drugs used in people.
    Duration: 1:01 h
    Speaker: Nadja Sigrist
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Anesthesia in the old patient - intra and perioperative monitoring

    Animals grow older, and are often in need of surgical procedures - from dentals to neoplasia, from broken limbs to GDVs. Very often, with old age also come diseases like chronic renal failure or cardiopathy for example. All those need to be taken into consideration, when anaesthetising the old patient. Special monitoring, testing prior to anaesthesia and thereafter will enhance the chance of success. Additional measures, such as special handling, pain treatment, feeding regime or organisation of the circumstances (when do we start the surgery, who will be there, which day of the week) support the old dog and cat further. After surgery and for the process of recovery owner compliance is essential and how and what to tell the owners will be discussed as well.
    Duration: 0:51 h
    Speaker: Elena Russold
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Wenn Kunden toben - Cool bleiben wenn die Luft brennt

    Kundenorientierte Gesprächsführung - Wie erfolgreiche & stimmige Kommunikation gelingt„Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren“, sagt P. Watzlawick, österr. Kommunikationswissenschaftler. Wir erörtern was das bedeutet, welche Erkenntnisse die Kommunikationswissenschaft bietet und wie eine Verständigung mit Kunden gelingt.
    Duration: 0:56 h
    Speaker: Katharina Wanha
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Code black - Was tun bei zu vielen Patienten und zu wenig Zeit?

    Management & Marketing in Zeiten voller Tierarztpraxen – warum es gerade jetzt so wichtig ist
    Duration: 0:56 h
    Speaker: Raphael M. Witte
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Hyperadrenocorticism - updates in diagnosis and treatment for Nurses

    Hyperadrenocorticism is a well known disease that is frequently diagnosed and treated in practice however do you know what has recently changed in regards to diagnosis and treatment?
    Duration: 0:48 h
    Speaker: Hannah Schneider
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Recognising Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy for Nurses

    Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is an acquired syndrome seen in the most critically ill or injured patients. Hallmark signs of the disease are hypercoagulability followed by inappropriate and uncontrolled bleeding that can often lead to death...
    Duration: 0:53 h
    Speaker: Megan Brashear
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Respiratory Depression Under General Anaesthesia for Nurses

    Respiratory depression in small animal anaesthesia is a very common complication.
    Duration: 1:03 h
    Speaker: Louise Bass
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • The Diagnostic Approach to the Pruritic Cat for Nurses

    Feline allergies and feline atopic skin syndrome - diagnostic and treatment challenges
    Duration: 0:59 h
    Speaker: Fiona Bateman
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Hilfe im OP

    Wie unterstütze ich am Besten meine Chirurgen?
    Duration: 1:20 h
    Speaker: Bettina Habenbacher
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Anaesthesia Drugs - what to expect when they're on board

    All anaesthesia drugs have varying physiological effects. By understanding where and how these anaesthesia drugs work, we can predict and troubleshoot their impact on the body.
    Duration: 0:52 h
    Speaker: Courtney Scales, Registered Veterinary Nurse
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Fragen zu Tierkrankenversicherungen? - AGILA beantwortet sie!

    In diesem Video beantwortet Sven Knoop, Bereichsleiter im Kundendienst von AGILA, häufige Fragen aus Tierarztpraxen und -kliniken.
    Duration: 0:06 h
    Speaker: Sven Knoop
    from 1 Free
  • Evaluation of Cytology Samples for Nurses

    Improve your cytology skills and learn how to navigate your way when evaluating the cells on the cytology slides.
    Duration: 0:45 h
    Speaker: Brett Stone
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Handling kleiner Heimtiere – sicher mit Kaninchen und Co. umgehen

    Hier lernst du was es zu beachten gibt, wenn sich Kaninchen, Ratten, Degus und Co. als Patienten vorstellen.
    Duration: 1:01 h
    Speaker: Tina Elisabeth Brezina
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Medical Training und Tellington TTouch für kleine Heimtiere

    Die meisten Heimtierarten sind Fluchttiere. Furcht und Angst können die tierärztliche Untersuchung und Behandlung erheblich erschweren und stressen die Tiere unnötig. Mit Medical training und Tellington TTouch sind entspannte Tierarztbesuche möglich.
    Duration: 0:51 h
    Speaker: Daniela Zurr
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • How to get the most out of cytology samples for Nurses

    How to get the most out of cytology samples - practical tips around sample collection and processing
    Duration: 0:50 h
    Speaker: Laureen Peters
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Akuter Niereninsult bei Hund und Katze - was muss ich wissen?

    Wenn jede Minute zählt! Was du als TPA über Leptospirose, Vergiftungen mit Frostschutzmittel und Dialyse bei Hund und Katze unbedingt wissen solltest.
    Duration: 1:03 h
    Speaker: Ariane Schweighauser
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Challenging Conversations with Clients for Nurses

    There are some conversations with clients that can be potentially more difficult than others. We can't just avoid these conversations we do need to have them, but how can we make them easier? Understanding people's thought processes can be useful. How we approach a conversation can be very different especially if the owner holds a belief in doing something a certain way. This lecture will look at what we can say in these situations and how can we acknowledge these tricky situations.
    Duration: 0:59 h
    Speaker: Nicola Lakeman
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • IMTP What Nurses Need to Know

    Immune mediated thrombocytopenia and the many nursing considerations 
    Duration: 1:05 h
    Speaker: Kelly Druce
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • In-house Blood Tests, Artefacts, and Interferences

    This webinar will explore the condition IMHA, an immune mediated disease that presents relatively commonly in the canine species. Together we shall explore both the pathophysiology of immune disease and the clinical manifestation of anaemia. Patient presentation and diagnostic modalities will be discussed in relation to the condition, alongside important sampling considerations and challenges. Available treatments will be introduced and deliberated including the mainstay of immunosuppression therapy. The role of the RVN including specific nursing considerations will be discussed to enable the highest levels of patient care and owner support.
    Duration: 1:00 h
    Speaker: Brett Stone
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Cranial nerve problems I should know about - for Nurses

    There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain and each has different functions. Diseases affecting these nerves are common in small animals and can often be easily recognized simply on clinical examination. As they are easy to visualize, pet owners generally get very concerned and distressed when they initially note the problem. The effect of cranial nerve dysfunction can range from subtle cosmetic problems to extremely debilitating deficits that will, in most cases, result in death. It is important that veterinary practitioners and nurses feel comfortable assessing patients with these conditions and can advise pet owners on the severity of the problem and most likely causes for it as well as on the need for further investigations and possible treatments. In this session we will review the functions of these nerves and how to assess them, focusing on the most common presentations and how to deal with them.
    Duration: 0:43 h
    Speaker: Rita Goncalves
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Feline Pancytopenia - What Nurses Need to Know

    In 2021 the veterinary world experienced an unprecedented rise in cases of feline pancytopenia, a condition previously considered rare and exceedingly challenging to manage. This rise in caseload allowed for increased awareness of the disease, yet for some it remains a fairly unknown entity. This webinar will explore the haematological components of the disease and the development of clinical signs alongside potential causal agents and current thinking regarding available diagnostics and treatment options. With tips on how to minimise patient stress and maximise patient care, this webinar will deliver a thorough overview of the disease and enable practitioners to better care for affected patients.
    Duration: 0:43 h
    Speaker: Kelly Druce
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • IMHA What Nurses Need to Know

    Exploring immune mediated haemolytic anaemia and the implications on nursing care and management.
    Duration: 1:20 h
    Speaker: Kelly Druce
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Physiotherapie bei Hund und Katze

    Dieses Webinar vermittelt TierarztpraxisassistentInnen Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten der Tierphysiotherapie bei Hund und Katze und zeigt Techniken und Übungen zum Selbermachen auf.
    Duration: 0:59 h
    Speaker: Saphira Lustenberger
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • What Is That - Unravelling the Mysteries of Urine Sediment for Nurses

    Preparation and microscopic evaluation of urine sediment
    Duration: 0:42 h
    Speaker: Natalie Courtman
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Top Five Ophthalmic Emergencies for Nurses

    In this talk we shall provide practical tips for the emergency treatment of acute glaucoma, anterior lens luxation, corneal descemetocele, traumatic prolapse and acute blindnes.
    Duration: 1:00 h
    Speaker: Ron Ofri
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Erste Hilfe bei Wunden - Was Wundauflagen und Verbände alles können

    Wie heilt eine Wunde eigentlich? Und was macht einen korrekten Verband aus? Hier lernst du alles Wichtige über Wunden bei Hund&Katze.
    Duration: 0:55 h
    Speaker: Lena Fritz
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)
  • Optimize your Radiographs - Tips and Tricks for Nurses

    Do you want to be able to enhance your skills in small animal radiography, and troubleshoot common mistakes and artefacts? 
    Duration: 0:40 h
    Speaker: Ashley Moors
    from 1 € 29,-
    (incl. tax)